Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Cable Experiment

Or should I say Non-Cable Experiment.  That's right, we have officially canceled our cable and are trying the realms of living with local HD channels, Netflix and the internet.  It's a definite summer experience that we are hoping might be permanent, but you never know how that football season is going to go.
We have only been off cable for one week, so I can't really give a good report on how it's going.  I will say I miss my DVR.  I have a couple of shows that I watch and having to catch them at 9pm live, well let's just say that puts me past my normal bedtime.  Not too mention I really had no idea what night the shows were on, I would just watch them sometime after they were recorded.
In other big news....maybe even bigger news.  I have officially turned in my two week notice at work.  We have decided that I will take an extended break for my maternity leave.  Right now we are planning on around 7 months, but only time will tell how that works out.  Of course just as I started work right as Bella started school (meaning I had no break from watching her) I am also ending work right as she ends school.  Bella does have summer school 2 mornings a week for 6 weeks, so that gives me just a little bit of time to try and get everything done around here, or just time to run errands as needed.


  1. Congrats on the extended maternity leave!

    I haven't had cable for almost 2 years now and it's been ok. I recently purchased a wii to make the Netflix streaming easier rather than having to hook up my laptop to the TV. Makes life much easier.

    I do miss DVR the most and am tempted to get cable again just for that convenience. Carving out 2 hours on a Monday night for The Bachelor always makes me a little angry. No way that show should garner that much of my time or schedule planning but I just can't stop watching. And as long as I'm confessing stuff, I really miss Kardashian marathons too.

  2. We didn't have cable for years but ended up subscribing again. We're going to put our cable "on hold" for the summer, until football season starts again. We may have to get Netflix.
