Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Crazy Girl

I have probably mentioned this before, but Bella has been a crazy girl lately.  She is just moving all over the place.  Rolling across the room, grabbing and throwing toys, doing circles in bed (now that we have a rail up otherwise I'm sure she would be back on the floor many times a night).  She loves to grab the blanket she is laying on and pull it all over the place.
 Usually that means pulling it over her face.
And for the first time this morning, I had Bella help me open some presents for Oliver.  She had a great time pulling out the tissue paper and even some of the items inside the bags/boxes.  She then proceeded to roll around grabbing the tissue paper, tearing at the tissue paper, having a great time for 1.5 hours.
And Oliver just loves to watch his sister.  He has to be on his own blanket though, as crazy Bella is bound to kick him (not on purpose) or just roll over him.  We definitely can not leave them alone together for even a minute.

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