Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our First Family Vacation - Hawaii

Bella's first vacation, airplane ride, etc. And boy was this trip a long one. Jesse was really dreading the travelling, and I was a little worried, but Bella did wonderful. That's not to say we weren't up in the back of the plane walking around with her, during hour 12 of a 14 hour travel day. But that was pretty minor in comparison to what could have happened. Plus magically, Bella was able to make the 5 hour time difference adjustment like a champ, which made the vacation that much better.
These next two pictures you could almost call child abuse, with the amount of sand we had to clean off Bella after they were taken. But they still crack us up every time we look at them. Jesse made the turtle sand creature for Bella, and below I wanted a picture of Bella on the beach that would let everyone know where we were.

This is Bella on North Shore. We joked she was our little travelling gnome as we took her everywhere with us and would plop her down for a photo op!!
And the funniest moment of the whole trip has to be on our trip back to the beach house after our afternoon at North Shore. My parents accompanied us, we were actually in Hawaii for my aunt's wedding, so my dad's family was all there and that is how we were able to stay in such a great location, for a decent price.
But back to the funny story. We stopped at a grocery store on our way back to the house to pick up some essentials (to give an idea of prices a 12 pack of pop was going for $8) and my dad stayed in the car with Bella who was beginning to get a little fussy. Well as Jesse, my mom, and I got back to the vehicle my dad was walking away saying he needed to wash he hands. Low and behold Bella had a poopy diaper, and my dad, who hasn't changed a diaper since my little sister was a baby (now 23) decided he would see how wet the diaper was and stuck his finger into it. He was unpleasantly surprised when it came out warm and stinky!! Needless to say he managed to change her diaper without knowing where the wipes were and did the best job he could. Way to go for changing the diaper.....and we will NEVER forget the look on your face as you made a hasty exit to wash up!!
Here is Bella (along with us) at Pearl Harbor. This was the only big disappointment of the trip, as Bella was ready for a nap and decided she would not be quiet and make it on the boat trip to the actual monument. Luckily my dad had seen it before, so he took Bella out to the vehicle so she could lay down. Thanks dad for doing that!!

Jesse and I enjoyed one morning together doing hikes. We tackled Diamond Head first, which was a challenge, but honestly didn't have the greatest views. Then we did Manoa Falls, pictured above. It was the best hike we did, going up the mountain in the rain forest to a small waterfall, with great scenery all around.

Here is Bella during the wedding ceremony, she was definitely ready for bed and actually quite fussy. Luckily she was able to fall asleep in her car seat and sat in her stroller throughout the whole reception.

We took a day to visit a couple different beaches, this is how Bella enjoyed it all, from her little tent that did it's best to block the sun and sand from her.

Our last full day in Hawaii we went to the Polynesian Cultural Center for a Luau and evening show with my parents. It was quite a beautiful place and I must admit it was probably the best pulled pork I have ever eaten.

And finally a quick picture from the balcony of the beach house, just to give you an idea exactly just how close to the water we were. It was a great experience and I don't think we could have planned a better vacation............but we will certainly try.....for next year!!

1 comment:

  1. oh these pics are great - it looks like you had a great trip!
