Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Preschool

We must have been excited this morning as we woke up at 5am. Well probably not excited, just doing the normal "I'm Bella and I don't have a schedule" routine. We needed to leave home around 7am, in order to get downtown for the start of preschool at 8am. It's a 35 minute drive, but if we leave much later, we hit all the rush hour traffic. I was really hopeful that Bella would fall asleep on the drive. She did for about 3 seconds, and then opened her eyes back up and screamed. I guess she fooled me.Bella had to have a backpack for preschool. Since I was buying it right after prime back to school time, there wasn't as much to choose from. Most of the toddler back packs had Dora the explorer, and princess themes. Bella doesn't get in to any of that yet. About the only show she watches in Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and that's just because I like the ending song "Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog". So I thought I would go retro with the strawberry shortcake. I always took a strawberry shortcake doll with me to preschool. My mom still has that doll at home. Sounds like a good time to wash it up and let Bella have it, Grandma.....start washing!
We talked with all the teachers going over her schedule, how she eats, what to do if she gets fussy, etc. They seemed to have everything under control and it looked like it was going to be good for her. I took this picture right as I was leaving. I can almost hear Bella saying
...."It's okay mom, they are going to feed me now, everything will be just fine. See you later"

-I picked up Bella at 3:30, I actually went and observed from 3 o'clock, they were cleaning up from play time, and Bella was laying on the floor on a wedge. The assistant teacher was just coming to get her and took her into the bathroom. She came out saying "What a stinky girl". I'll second that, Bella can clear a room with her diapers! They put her in her chair and were getting the class together for activity time. They painted with apples, and an assistant helped Bella create some artwork. Then they had circle time. They all sang a song, which was a hello song to Bella for being new in the class. It was then time to go. She did a great job on her first day of class. The teacher said she fell asleep during lunch time, which would be normal if she got up so early. Let's just hope that she sleeps in tomorrow, so she can participate a little more.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to

And that's pretty much what happened. Bella turned 2 last Saturday, and we had a big party for her. Bella decided to get up that morning at 5am, and by the time the first party guests were arriving, she was already a wreak and needed to go down for a nap. Except in normal Bella style she refused to actually take a nap. So here are the pictures from the big day, not so many of Bella as she was absent for most of it.
Already fussy, and no guests have arrived yet.
Later on after we took a short 30 minute nap, we were able to eat some applesauce. But even though we worked on eating our birthday cupcake for two weeks prior, and loved it. We were too tired to eat it during our actual birthday party.

Where's my birthday party..........I was born in September too!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Weekend Work

I wish I had a picture to post of our weekend trip to Home Depot. We were busy working on painting and finishing the family room, and we decided to make an early morning trip to Home Depot on Monday to pick out some lights, ceiling fans, ladders, tools, etc, etc. Bella came with us and did very well, as we were there for 2 hours. While we were busying picking out which ceiling fan we thought would look the best in the space, we weren't paying much attention to what Bella was doing, all we knew was that she was content and happy. When we finally looked at her (she was facing forward in the stroller) we noticed that she was enraptured by all the different lights and fans all over the place. She just kept looking up and scanning all the different things to see and behold. I guess a trip to the lighting department will be in order every time Bella comes with us.

So this week we are busy trying to finish up the family room for Bella's big birthday party. Not to mention all the food and decorations that are being made. It's already been a long week of late night and early mornings. Only a couple days left and a lot to do!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My week

I have had a very busy week.

Friday I rode back to Nebraska. I slept for 1.5 hours on the ride and then decided to stay up until 1am that night.

Saturday I went to watch/listen to the blue angels at the airshow with dad and the puppies while mom threw a bridal shower for my aunt Erin.

Sunday I rode back home. I slept for an hour and then complained a little about all the time I had been spending in the vehicle.

Monday was a very busy day. I went and toured what will hopefully be my new preschool downtown. My mom will talk about that later. I then went over and spent some time with my cousins for a couple of hours. And then we had our new friends the Madden's over for dinner with their 3 kids.

Tuesday I decided it was appropriate to get up super early, even after not going to bed until after midnight. But I was still in a good mood.

Wednesday I ate Mexican for the first time. I like the flavor, must get it from both my parents as it's their favorite type of food.

Thursday I went down to the Country Club Plaza for the first time and sat outside while my parents caught up with an old friend from high school, Dubas. I was a very good girl and enjoyed my time in the beautiful weather on the patio of Baja 600. Mom and Dad might even think about taking me again.

I think I'm tired after all the excitement!

Bella fell asleep 5 different times while eating this week. Maybe a little too much stimulation, but it would also help if maybe she would nap when given the opportunity!!